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International Students Terms & Conditions of Enrolment

Government Funded Students Terms & Conditions of Enrolment

The following terms and conditions relate to all government funded programs at Australian
Professional Skills Institute (hereinafter refer to as APSI). They must be read, understood and accepted
by the applicant or any person acting on their behalf including agent or parent/guardian if the applicant
is under 18 years of age.

The applicant acknowledges all information and supporting documents provided in the application is
true and accurate. By completing this Form, the applicant enters an agreement with APSI and accepts
the following terms and conditions including the refund policy of APSI.

APSI reserves the right to vary terms and conditions of enrolment as may be necessary to comply with
any laws, regulations or amendment of the Commonwealth Government and State Government of
Western Australia.

Student Confirmation of Enrolment

The agreement and the availability of complaints and appeals processes do not remove the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. The Institute’s dispute processes do not circumscribe the applicant’s right to pursue other legal remedies.

APSI reserves the right to decline a student’s enrolment if the Institute finds the students is unfit for study or the course applied is not a suitable course for the applicant.The Institute reserves the right to make the following variations:

  • to vary course delivery schedule and location of training
  • to vary course content and unit, delivery format and assessment tools
  • to vary trainers and assessor for the course
  • to cancel a course with alternative arrangements in place for the student to enrol in another course or with another provider

Course Fees and Other Fees Payable

  1. All fees and charges are payable in Australian dollars in accordance with the VET fees and charges policy published by the Department of Training and Workforce Development.
  2. The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as Student service and resource fees.
  3. Course and resource fees are GST exempt.
  4. Course fees do not cover other charges such as resource/materials, textbooks, uniform, and stationery. A separate resource fee is charged for the above items. Please refer to the itemised fee schedule on your invoice
  5. All course fees are non-transferrable except in cases of documented ill-heath and may only be transferred to other courses within APSI or at the discretion of APSI’s management.
  6. APSI reserves the right to cancel any course prior to the commencement of the course should it deem necessary and a full refund of all payments will be given to the applicant.
  7. APSI reserves the right to withhold any qualification or Statement of Attainment attained by the student if the student has outstanding fees owed to the Institute.
  8. APSI reserves the right to suspend any training and assessments services if there are outstanding fees owed to the Institute.
  9. I understand that I am liable to pay for any outstanding fees owed to APSI before the census date even if I do not attend the classes. APSI reserves the right to collect any outstanding fees via debt collection agency to recover the cost and any legal costs from the applicant.
  10. Students are required to pay the fees according to student invoice fee due dates including public holidays, semester breaks or during workplace training periods.
  11. Miscellaneous fees may apply in addition to the course fee throughout the course enrolment, please refer to the miscellaneous fee schedule below.

Miscellaneous Fees / Charges

Download APSI miscellaneous fee schedules:

Refund Policy

  1. The refund policy is in accordance to the VET fees and charges policy published by the Department of Training and Workforce Department.
  2. Students who withdraw are entitled to a full refund of the applicable course fee, resource fee and other fees where:
    • a unit is cancelled or re-scheduled to a time unsuitable to the student;
    • or a student is not given a place due to maximum number of places being reached;
    • a withdrawal form i s l o d g e d before the census/withdrawal date for a unit; and a full refund of the resource fee if the course is a Diploma or Advanced Diploma; or 50% of the resource fee if the course is below Diploma level.
  3. Unit fees are non-refundable after the census/withdrawal date of the each unit listed on your Itemized student invoice, except under exceptional circumstances such as serious illness, injury or disability that prevents the student from completing their program of study.
  4. APSI may approve pro-rata refund of fees and charges at any time during the course delivery if the students withdraw for reasons of personal circumstances beyond their control.
  5. Resource fees are charges for materials that are considered essential to a course or unit of study and which do not form part of the course fee. The resource fee covers materials purchased by the RTO to be consumed or transformed by students in the course of instruction, such as workshop materials, workbooks and essential uniforms.
  6. A full refund of fees will be given at any time during delivery if a class is cancelled because of declining student numbers, no available trainers, or due to other circumstances caused by the Institute.
  7. All applications for refund must be submitted in writing on APSI refund application form. Refunds can only be done via EFT to the applicant’s bank account.


  1. Notification of cancellation must be submitted in writing by using the APSI Course Cancellation and Refund Application Form.
  2. Refunds are made in accordance with the refund policy above and refunds will be made payable to the student and nominated bank account via bank transfer within 14 days of receipt of the notification.
  3. Refunds will only be made to the applicant or other names nominated on the Refund Application Form.
  4. Other fees paid in advance such as resource fee will be refunded in full if that service has notbeen used.
  5. A notice of withdrawal due to illness or disability, death of a close family member, political or civil event that prevents acquittal may be accepted as grounds for either a total or partial refund of fees. Supporting documentary evidence must be provided at the time of application for refund and the amount of refund will be at the discretion of APSI management.
  6. The above refund policy is subject to review as required.
  7. Students may lodge an internal appeal against refund calculation by completing a Complaints and Appeals Form. Students must allow 10 working days to process all appeals. APSI will provide a written response to the appeals. If students are not satisfied they may use the Institute’s internal and external appeal process or include an outside party of their choice as their own expense.

Course Curriculum and Delivery Schedule

APSI reserves the right to vary the course curriculum, unit of competency, timetable, training staff, place of delivery without prior notice to students.

Application for Course Credit

Applications for course credit based on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer (CT) or Mutual Recognition (MR) should be submitted at the time of application and at least 14 days before course commencement date. The Application Form is available from Student Services and the Policy and Procedures is available on the APSI website HERE.

Any reduction in course fees as a result of course credit will be calculated in the student itemised invoice.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Requirements

All students must meet the minimum numeracy and literacy requirements for entry into APSI. For those students whose first language in not English, they are required to provide proof of English language proficiency. LLN tests can be conducted at APSI prior to enrolment. If it is reveals that the English language skills are insufficient, the student will be required to enrol at their own expenses in an approved English Language course prior to the commencement of studies at APSI.APSI reserves the right to vary terms and conditions of enrolment as may be necessary to comply with any law, regulation or amendment of the Australia Government and the State of Western Australia.

Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Procedure

APSI has a documented student complaints, grievances and appeals policy and procedure by which it ensures that all students will be granted immediate access to the complaints and appeals process.

APSI undertakes to ensure that:

  1. All disputes, complaints and appeals will be handled professionally, equitably, confidentially and in a timely manner, with a view to achieving satisfactory resolution.
  2. All parties will have a clear understanding of the steps involved in the Complaints and Appeals procedure, prior to and during the carrying out of the procedure.
  3. Prospective students have access to APSI’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure document via our website before making a contract to enrol at APSI.
  4. There is no cost for a student to lodge an internal complaint or an appeal. Students are encouraged, wherever possible, to resolve concerns or difficulties directly with the person(s) concerned.

APSI academic and administrative staff are available to assist students to resolve their issues at this level. At all stages of the process, discussions relating to complaints, grievances and appeals will be recorded in writing. Reasons and a full explanation in writing for decisions and actions taken as part of this procedure will be provided to the complainant/appellant. Decisions will be made based on but not limited to current Government Legislations and APSI’s Policies and Procedures and, where applicable, the Rules of Evidence and The Principles of Assessment, providing a written report to thecomplainant/appellant within 20 working days, on the steps that will be taken to address the issue, clearly stating the reasons for the decision.

The process, including policies and procedures for internal and external complaints and appeals can be downloaded from our website HERE.
