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Commercial Cookery Courses

IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is not suitable for persons unable to handle meat, seafood, poultry or dairy. We cannot guarantee that our kitchen facilities are free from potential allergens, including airborne particles of potential allergens. Accordingly, this course may not be suitable for people with severe allergies, including nuts allergies. Please note that all students must complete the units of competency required.

Be inspired to become a professional chef

It is exhilarating to consider that people from around the world will continue to seek out new destinations, new restaurants, hotels and cafes and new food experiences. The enjoyment and satisfaction of people experiencing culinary delights everywhere are, ultimately, the chef’s greatest motivation and responsibility. The universal enjoyment of food and the happiness of diners is something we constantly consider and teach our students.

At Australian Professional Skills Institute, we train our students to exceed the expectations of food lovers and to deliver the perfect result.

Australian Professional Skills Institute is excited to offer these professional chef training courses at its Wellington Campus in East Perth and partner hotel commercial kitchens , with the full support of renowned industry leaders such as Neal Jackson, Kate Lamont and the executive chef of TFE Hotels Group Wendelin Ulrich.

Student’s Recipe Creation | Patricia ARBOTANTE from the Philippines
Dave Christiano: From APSI Australia to MasterChef Indonesia
Becoming a Chef with APSI: Story of Hyoin from South Korea
Studying Commercial Cookery with APSI: Story of Juan from Colombia
Chef Training at APSI: Story of Kah Weng from Malaysia