Policies and Procedures
APSI’s policies and procedures for International Students are in accordance with the following Australian Government Education Services
- Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
- Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019
- National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act)
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations (Standards for RTOs) 2015
Non-Compliance Policy
Click on the following to view:
Leave Policy
Click on the following to view:
Click on the following to view:
Complaints, Grievances and Appeals
APSI has a clear and easily accessible complaint handling process available to all students. As part of APSI’ continuous improvement process, we welcome students to give feedback and lodge informal or formal complaints internally. We will try our best to resolve the issues through student services. You can learn more about our Complaints Grievances and Appeals Policies and Procedures and/or lodge a complaint or an appeal using our Complaints and Appeals Lodgement Form.
If a student has exhausted the internal complaints and appeals process, the student can lodge a complaint to an external party. For international students, you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman and lodge a complaint using the online complaint form or call 1300 362 072. APSI’s external arbitrator is Overseas Student Ombudsman. If your internal appeal process is not successful you may, within 20 days of receipt of the outcome, you can consult the Overseas Student Ombudsman for an external appeal.
- Ombudsman Western Australia (www.ombudsman.wa.gov.au)
- Equal Opportunity Commission WA (www.equalopportunity.wa.gov.au)
- Administration Appeals Tribunal (www.aat.gov.au)
Privacy Policy
You can download and learn more about APSI’s Privacy and Personal Information About Students Policy and .
Update on Privacy Notice
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), APSI is obliged to inform all students of any changes regarding the Privacy Notice published by the Commonwealth and State Government Agencies. The Privacy Notice was changed to reflect amendments to the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 that came into effect in September 2020. The new Privacy Notice has been written to be easier for students to understand and to support RTOs in meeting their privacy obligations. Existing students continuing their studies into 2021 should be made aware of the new Privacy Notice.
For further information, please refer to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment website or check the department’s FAQs.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of prior learning is a process by which you may get credit for skills and knowledge you have already attained through work experience or via informal learning. If you wish to apply for RPL, you can learn more about our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Skills Recognition Policy.
Please download and complete the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Application Form and submit it along with your application.
Student Code of Conduct and Rules
reflects our effort and work to integrate APSI’s values into a document, setting out for our student community our shared expectations. Please read it carefully and consult it throughout your study journey at APSI as a guide to what you should expect from others and what we expect from you as a valued member of Australian Professional Skills Institute.
Collusion, Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct
Please note, deliberate collusion or plagiarism is regarded as serious academic misconduct that breaches APSI’s Collusion, Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct policy. Please download and learn more about our Collusion, Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct policy.
Student Transfer and Release
Covid-19 Management
APSI is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff, students and visitors. As part of this commitment, APSI has put measures in place to reduce the risks of Covid-19, including aligning with government advice, guidance and mandates. Please download and learn more about our Covid-19 Management Policy and Procedure.
Incident Report Form
Please download this Incident Report Form and complete all details as soon as possible after the Incident. This report is to be completed for any injury or critical incident which has occurred on campus and in the workplace and by student, trainer or staff and return the form to service@apsi.edu.au. Student Services will email the parties concerned and enter into the Incident Report Registration Logbook for further action to be taken.