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Diploma of Business

Diploma of Business

CRICOS Course Code: 106054E

VET National Code: BSB50120

Course Description

The Diploma of Business course has been designed to assist leaners to have an understanding of general business practices and techniques in Australia including managing projects and meetings and developing business plans. This course can boost learners business knowledge and skills to increase their business employment opportunities.

This course is designed to equip leaners with up-to-date industry trends, data and relevant information in Australian business environment. The course enables learners to gain knowledge and skills in managing important business functions such as marketing, finance and human resources, professional development, communication skills and emotional intelligence through practical projects, presentations, case studies and written assignments.  This interactive course provides learners with the confidence to engage in discussions, provide their innovative ideas, suggestions and recommendations in a safe and supportive environment.

The Diploma of Business challenges the learner to refresh their current skills and prepares learners to perform efficiently in a business environment as a team leader, or front-line supervisor managing a workplace. The course combines a range of learning strategies to encourage contribution and participation similarly to the expectation in the workforce.

At the end of theory units, learners are required to undertake a workplace project in a real workplace to consolidate all theory learning.

Diploma of Business course also offers a pathway into a university degree, such as a Bachelor of Commerce with Edith Cowan University. Graduates of the Diploma of Business can gain direct entry to a Bachelor degree with advanced standing or credit up to one year, this means that learners can fast track their university degree with Australian Professional Skills Institute.

This course is available online via self-paced e-learning mode only for fee for service domestic students or non-student visa holders.

(Note: this course is not available to international students on student visa)

*Subject to terms and conditions

Relevant Job Roles

This qualification reflects a variety of Business Services job roles. Upon completion of this qualification, learners may have frontline management accountabilities.

  • Administration Manager
  • Sales and Marketing Manager
  • Customer Service Manager
  • Section Head and Team Leader

Units of Competency

The Diploma of Business course  consists of 12 units of competence with 5 core unit and 7 elective units as listed below:

Unit Code
Unit Name
Core Units
BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBOPS501 Manage business resources
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
Elective Units
BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence
Diploma of Business

Course Details

Intake Dates

Students can commence the online course on any date from 1 January 2025.

This course is available online via self-paced e-learning* mode only. 

*Subject to terms and conditions

Course Duration

1 year

Mode of Delivery

  • E-learning (online) available to Domestic Australian fee-for-service students and non-student visa holders only.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is based on the principles of competency based training. Performance of learners is assessed on their ability to perform the task(s) to industry standards. In order to ensure the principles of validity are upheld are variety of learning styles and a range of assessment strategies are used.

Assessment for each unit of competence will be through e-learning only.

Students are advised well in advance of assessment activities and a student may put forward for consideration any special needs they may have. The assessment criterion is documented in all modules, and workbooks. Students may be assessed by a combination of continuous assessments and examinations. Continuous assessment may be based on competencies and marks, or a combination of both.

Admission Requirements

Domestic Australian Students

  • For direct entry into Diploma level courses, students must have completed a minimum of Year 12 schooling or equivalent or to be a mature age student (20 years of age and above) with relevant work experience.
    • Students who have not completed Year 12 are permitted to study a certificate-level course at APSI prior to the diploma.
  • Students need to demonstrate they have proficiency in English. If students cannot provide documented proof of their English language proficiency, they will be required to sit for a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test (LLN) before a place can be offered.

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer is granted if you have completed the same unit with the same unit code and unit name with another RTO in Australia. If you wish to apply for credit transfer, you can learn more about our Skills Recognition Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policies and procedures HERE.

Please download and complete the Credit Transfer Application Form HERE and submit it along with your application.


APSI has a direct pathway to Edith Cowan University (ECU), which enables students to fast track their university degrees. Students who complete the Diploma of Business and who meet ECU admission requirements will be given advanced standing in Bachelor of Commerce with up to 120 credit points ( 1 year).


The information contained on this website is current at the time of publishing. Australian Professional Skills Institute reserves the right to change the admission requirements, fees, location of delivery and units of competency whenever necessary. Please contact us for the most current information.
