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Diploma of Leadership and Management

Diploma of Leadership and Management

CRICOS Course Code: 104240H

VET National Code: BSB50420


Course Description

If you are looking to develop your management skills, the Diploma of Leadership and Management will support you in achieving this outcome.  This interesting course provides a variety of topics across a wide range of business operations that support a person in leading and managing teams to provide a productive and positive cultural workforce.

Be part of the growth of your team and organisation and attend this high-quality qualification that is presented to you by highly qualified trainers and assessors who have a wealth of knowledge and skills to share.

During the course, you can participate and share knowledge and skills with others, while gaining the same from a positive learning environment.

Here at Australian Professional Skills Institute we aim to accommodate different learner requirements so we offer this course online through our E-learning platform*.

*Subject to terms and conditions

Study Pathway

Students who have completed the Diploma of Leadership and Management qualification can continue to study Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management or Advanced Diploma of Business. Students can also continue studying a Bachelor of Commerce with Australian Professional Skills Institute’s partner university, Edith Cowan University. Students can gain up to one year advanced standing for Bachelor of Commerce with Edith Cowan University. You can find out more here.

Relevant Job Roles

This qualification reflects a variety of job roles that require applying knowledge, practical skills and experience in leadership and management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts. Upon completion of this qualification, you will be able to display initiative and judgement in planning, organising, implementing and monitoring your own workload and the workload of others.

You will also be able to use communication skills to support individuals and teams to meet organisational or enterprise requirements. You may plan, design, apply and evaluate solutions to unpredictable problems, and identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources.

Job Titles:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Administration Manager
  • Customer services manager

Units of Competency

This course consists of 12 units of competence with 6 core units and 6 elective units as listed below:

Unit Code
Unit Name
Core units
BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence
BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
Elective Units
BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBOPS501 Manage business resources
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
Diploma of Leadership and Management

Course Details

Intake Dates

Students can commence the online course on any date from 1 January 2025.

This course is available 100% online with E-learning*. 

*Subject to terms and conditions.

Mode of Delivery
  • E-learning (online) available to Domestic Australian fee-for-service students and non-student visa holders only.
Course Duration
1 year
Assessment Methods

Assessment is based on the principles of competency based training. Performance of learners is assessed on their ability to perform the task(s) to industry standards. In order to ensure the principles of validity are upheld are variety of learning styles and a range of assessment strategies are used.

Assessment for each unit of competence will be through e-learning only.

    Students are advised well in advance of assessment activities and a student may put forward for consideration any special needs they may have. The assessment criterion is documented in all modules, and workbooks. Students may be assessed by a combination of continuous assessment and examinations. Continuous assessment may be based on competencies and marks, or a combination of both.

    Admission Requirements

    Domestic Australian Students

    • For direct entry into Diploma level courses, students must have completed a minimum of Year 12 schooling or equivalent or to be a mature age student (20 years of age and above) with relevant work experience.
      • ​Students who have not completed Year 12 are permitted to study a certificate-level course at APSI prior to the diploma.
    • Students need to demonstrate they have proficiency in English. If students cannot provide documented proof of their English language proficiency, they will be required to sit for a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test (LLN) before a place can be offered.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

    RPL is available to anyone who has experience working in the industry


    • provides an alternative pathway to achieving a qualification without course attendance
    • is a consultative process between with the candidate and the assessor to determine whether the candidate has acquired the requisite learning, skills and knowledge to demonstrate that they have achieved the required learning outcomes or performance criteria of the course or qualification, for which the candidate is seeking
    • identifies where appropriate additional learning experiences or training gaps are needed to achieve the course or qualification
    • is the conduct of an assessment to confirm competency.

    APSI has developed a process that promotes holistic and task-based assessment. It focuses on relating assessment activities to actual job tasks. The intention of this model is to streamline and simplify the process of recognising competency.

    Prior to RPL, information is provided to the candidate on the assessment process. Specific advice is given to each candidate on how they can demonstrate their competence and what documentary evidence is required to support their application. Each industry has unique documents that can provide evidence of experience and competence.

    The candidate is required to provide adequate information prior to, throughout and after a training and assessment experience. The assessor, in this process, needs to be fully aware of the needs of the candidate and help them identify relevant workplace personnel who can confirm the candidate’s competency.

    The focus of the APSI streamlined holistic assessment process is to focus on demonstrated skills and knowledge and not to rely purely on documentary evidence as the main source of evidence.

    Some examples of documentary evidence that can support the process include:

    • licences such as First Aid, RSA
    • comprehensive CV or work history with details of job role and responsibilities
    • previous qualifications from overseas and Australia
    • certificates and records of results or assessments completed with other RTO’s
    • photographs of work undertaken
    • samples of related project work
    • diaries of tasks performed
    • task sheets/job sheets/logbooks
    • site training records
    • pay slips / employment contracts / job descriptions
    • memberships of relevant professional associations
    • references/letters/third party reports from previous employers/supervisors
    • industry awards
    • performance appraisals

    An RPL application kit can be obtained here.

    Credit Transfer

    Credit transfer is granted if you have completed the same unit with the same unit code and unit name with another RTO in Australia. If you wish to apply for credit transfer, you can learn more about our Skills Recognition Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policies and procedures HERE.

    Please download and complete the Credit Transfer Application Form HERE and submit it along with your application.

    Upon completion of Diploma of Leadership and Management, students can continue to study Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management.


    Student can also choose to continue to study with Australian Professional Skills Institute’s Higher Education partner – EdIth Cowan University and with advanced standing. For further information, please visit here.

    Potential Career Outcome
    Successful completion of this qualification can lead to career opportunities such as: Office Manager, Project Team Leader, Manager, Supervisor, Executive Officer, Team Leader, and Business Manager.


    The information contained on this website is current at the time of publishing. Australian Professional Skills Institute reserves the right to change the admission requirements, fees, location of delivery and units of competency whenever necessary. Please contact us for the most current information.
